Grand Tourneo Connect maximises the available space. The conversion with lowered floor can accommodate one person in a wheelchair and five other passengers. The disabled passenger enjoys a comfortable and spacious area; the anchoring systems and three-point seat belt comply with safety standards to create a welcoming and pleasant environment.

Another option is a conversion with folding swivel seats that can accommodate a total of seven seats if the ramp isn’t used.

When there is no wheelchair user, the Genius Ramp tilting system folds inside to recompose the original floor and gain space for luggage. The model is an excellent solution for families who want to achieve maximum mobility, as well as for professional taxi drivers and car hirers.

An optional feature for the conversion with lowered floor is the revolutionary F-Winch that gently and safely tows the wheelchair onto the ramp. F-Winch is also fitted with a control (wired or wireless) that adjusts acceleration and speed.

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