pick up

WON THE SPE 2023 AWARD – Thermoforming Parts Competition

The Focaccia Group project on the Renault Express Pick Up has been awarded in Cleveland, Ohio, as part of the SPE 2023 Thermoforming Conference, the global leading event in the thermoforming sector. Our project has won in the “Parts Competition” section, standing out for its technology, design and quality standard.

We are very proud of this award because it recognizes the specialisation and great expertise achieved by our Design and Production Team. Focaccia Group develops and manufactures ABS components of the highest level capable of ensuring an excellent result in terms of shapes and finishes, in line with the standards of our OEM partners.


STEM – Women Congress

Within the Focaccia Group, people represent the Heart, the Strength and the Head. It’s thanks to them that we’ve developed important projects such as the

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